Reading of the Month – May 2024

More Spiritualized Beings

Human beings in general complain very frequently about certain things that happen around the world: the cost of living, lack of time, misunderstandings and injustices, natural phenomena and armed conflicts, as well as the consequent damage that all of this causes in their lives. Those who react in this way are generally only linked to the material aspects of life, as they repeatedly say they can’t get what they want because nothing goes right on a daily basis, and so on.

On the other hand, people who turn to the spiritual aspect of life are able to perceive the beauty of the presence of the Creative Force in inciting and moving organized matter, from the simplest, such as a single-celled organism, to the most complex organism, the human body, the structure developed by Universal Intelligence composed of organs and systems functioning in total harmony, and which the spirit uses for its continuous learning in the world of schooling, Earth, in order to achieve greater evolution.

Skeptical people forget that alongside the misunderstandings and abuses they see around the world, there are also beautiful initiatives on the part of those who dedicate themselves to causes considered very relevant, such as protecting the environment or defending social groups excluded from their basic rights due to discrimination and prejudice of all kinds.

Skeptics are not even aware of the existence of people who stood out throughout history by leaving indestructible marks of success with their work aimed at the progress of humanity, whether in the material or spiritual sphere, among whom we can mention those of the great philosophers of Antiquity, who formulated thoughts analyzed and discussed to this day by scholars seeking answers to the origin of human existence, or those of the builders of great monuments in times when engineering did not have the technology that exists now, such as the Egyptian pyramids, or, even those of women and men who became game changers in mechanics, considering the invention of the steam engine, or in medicine, with the emergence of penicillin and the knowledge of human genetics, in addition to countless initiatives and discoveries made over time in all branches of knowledge.

How can we explain the existence of outstanding luminaries of human intelligence such as, among many others, Jesus, Confucius, Martin Luther King Jr. and Luiz de Mattos, who bequeathed Christian Rationalism to humanity? How can we understand the passage through this world of people with such evolutionary greatness if it is not in the light of spirituality? Were they privileged human beings, better than others? Of course not! They were just spiritually more advanced in their individualized evolutionary path, that is, they had more wisdom through their own efforts in their past lives on Earth.

Therefore, everyone must contribute as much as possible with their share of work to constructive and progressive initiatives that are relevant to humanity. Spiritual self-improvement for this purpose certainly leads human beings to the high vibrational planes of evolution, as this is the objective of those who are in this world.

Translation by Andreas Saint-Prix