Reading of the Month – August 2024

Take on, With Good Thoughts, Any Work of Solidarity

People in general have a very bad outlook on life these days, due to the large amount of negative or false news published by various media outlets and social media worldwide.

There is a flood of information about acts of personal or collective violence, natural tragedies or tragedies caused by human carelessness or irresponsibility, and false reports in order to create sensationalism on controversial topics or to unsettle unwary people. Unfortunately, this sad reality is aggravated in many places around the world by the lack of qualified school education and effective public health and safety conditions, among other significant factors that make it difficult to perceive and analyze these events.

The facts highlighted are almost always the result of various interests, such as political-electoral influences and advertising gains, which are often placed ahead of people’s well-being. Of course, they want to stay informed, to know what is happening around the world, but they must seek information from reliable sources, without ever getting emotionally attached to any type of news, so as not to vibrate negative thoughts or express negative feelings. And anger, resentment and fear show this and only worsen the consequences of the facts they read and hear due to the evolutionary law of attraction, which enhances their harmful effects.

On the other hand, there are many good things in this world, all you need to do is connect with them with interest, which the force of nature shows very well when someone is in contact with it and feels the invigorating heat of the Sun radiating the Earth’s atmosphere and all the living beings it surrounds, which is confirmed by birdsong.

It is also necessary to praise and publicize constructive and supportive actions aimed at doing good for those who need support, as well as for preserving the environment with the unconditional protection of soil, flora and fauna, and for many other initiatives necessary for the material progress and spiritual growth of humanity.

Therefore, there is a lot of solidarity work to be done by people willing to make gestures of detachment and renunciation for the benefit of others. To do so, however, it is important that they have discipline of thought, that they know how to think in an elevated way in order to have good spiritual assistance, as well as to maintain the necessary serenity to face and overcome the difficulties that always arise in everyday life, without forgetting to maintain healthy habits in life, with nutritious eating and physical activity being significant examples.

Despite all these recommendations, we also advise a reflective study of the book Christian Rationalism in its 46th edition, as knowledge of real life is a continuous process of study and reflection, so that you can live appropriately with everything that is reported, good and bad, due to interests that are sometimes met, sometimes thwarted, and, in this way, you can have a peaceful life full of useful and honest achievements.

Translation by Andreas Saint-Prix