Reading of the Month – September 2024

Peace Is the Result of Balanced Behavior Among Human Beings

There are still many conflicts of opinion on Earth, which lead to misunderstandings, resentment and grudges, which contribute to disharmony among human beings, even causing wars between nations, when what is reasonable would be attitudes of respect, tolerance, understanding and love for others on a global scale.

However, this balanced behavior must come from each person. It is necessary for human beings to exchange ideas without trying to impose their opinions and without judging anyone, rather the opposite. It is essential to have a rational dialogue that accommodates individual interests and meets collective needs.

Because human beings are evolving spirits who possess a physical body in each existence in this world, those who have measured and coherent attitudes in their lives already reveal sufficient spiritual maturity to connect to the vibrational currents of positive and healthy thoughts and feelings that run through the fluidic atmosphere of Earth in all directions and, for this reason, set examples of thoughtfulness, moderation, common sense, honesty and dignity to everyone they live with.

No teaching is more significant than good example, because it influences the behavior of those around us when they realize that it is possible to act with dignity, greatness and spiritually enlightened awareness. Insecure human beings, who do not believe in themselves, in their ability to face and overcome difficulties, to find adequate solutions to life’s problems, reveal their lack of knowledge about spirituality.

Therefore, it is important that everyone awakens to spirituality as quickly as possible, because the knowledge, understanding and compliance with the laws of evolution, especially the law of attraction and the law of cause and effect, make it possible to have a constructive, fruitful and peaceful life, adding moral values ​​to the spiritual capital that is increased with each existence.

Everything that human beings learn and build through the practice of good in their daily lives remains eternally added to their spiritual memory and serves as support for their evolutionary process with each passage through Earth. Therefore, no one should be discouraged by the natural difficulties of life, but should face and overcome them using the existential knowledge already acquired in past experiences and recorded in their subconscious.

Therefore, the books published by the world headquarters of Christian Rationalism greatly help readers in their spiritual growth, as these literary works contain valuable teachings to be studied with thoughtful attention and put into practice in daily life. Psychically strengthened, everyone will be able to face and overcome any adverse situation they may face.

Therefore, the spirituality advocated by Christian Rationalism — which is not only disseminated and practiced in the public meetings held in Christian Rationalist houses, but also provides a theoretical basis for the answers given by the leaders of the remotely held public meetings to the questions sent by the participants to the world headquarters of Christian Rationalism — is the best evolutionary path for human beings to follow in order to achieve, on the physical plane, the objectives they have planned in their astral planes of spiritual training.

Translation by Andreas Saint-Prix