Reading of the Month – October 2024

Reject Negative Thoughts With the Power of the Attribute of Will

When human beings understand that they are evolving spirits who possess a physical body in each existence in a world of education such as Earth, they soon realize that no one on the planet is perfect, that its inhabitants have natural attributes to improve in the consolidation of their character and something to learn in the formation of their personality during the four phases of life: childhood, youth, maturity and old age.

In this continuous process of material progress and spiritual growth, it is predictable that, because they are imperfect, people will make mistakes, although human faults, in the spiritualist vision of Christian Rationalism, are considered opportunities for evolutionary learning.

We do not mean by this that human beings must make mistakes in order to evolve spiritually, quite the opposite. They must, however, do their utmost to make as few mistakes as possible, always keeping in mind that, if they occur, mistakes need to be analyzed in detail, in order to be avoided in the future with rational and balanced procedures, so that there is no feeling of guilt in relation to others who have been harmed.

Any human error begins long before the actual event that finalizes it. It begins when a person has materialized thoughts and cultivates, for example, feelings of hatred, envy or ill will and, due to the evolutionary law of attraction, connects to vibrational currents of the same nature and intensity, which cloud reasoning and provoke actions that lead to error, making it difficult or even preventing them from reaching higher levels of spiritual growth.

Errors also occur when someone allows themselves to be carried away by other inappropriate feelings, such as greed, selfishness and vanity. Just look at those who carry out a project more concerned with their personal and social prestige and less interested in the intended result that is relevant to the community, thus hiding a very mistaken motivation, which prevents the development of attributes to their maximum potential because, in this case, sensitivity, self-control and their own spiritual maturity are compromised.

Therefore, it is necessary to exercise the power of the attribute of will, whenever negative thoughts and inappropriate feelings occur, in order to reject them. Therefore, having discipline in life is of fundamental importance, and it begins with thinking, but also encompasses other aspects of daily life, such as having set times for everything and avoiding excesses, including physical and moral vices, in order to have integral health compatible with a disciplined and honest life, because it enables human beings to face everything by making good decisions, because apologies and forgiveness do not cancel out the consequences of inappropriate actions.

Therefore, discipline your life by doing daily psychic cleansing in your homes, always preceded by fifteen minutes of self-reflection, in order to take advantage of your time in this world by using the accumulated set of lessons in your subconscious learned from past experiences, as well as using your valuable spiritual attributes, such as reasoning in moments of reflection, self-control in moments that require discipline, creative capacity in moments that call for action, and will as the driving force behind these and so many other attributes that help human beings live well.

Translation by Andreas Saint-Prix