Know How to Listen, Be Tolerant, and Avoid Misunderstandings
Human beings generally consider life to be very complicated because they do not know how to deal with the difficulties that arise in everyday life at every moment. For this reason, many people want to be well-known, assuming that famous people do not go through difficulties, which is pure illusion, because everyone has problems to solve, whether in the way they think or behave due to the different levels of spiritual evolution they have.
When we say that people have to be tolerant of each other, many of them disagree because they think it is impossible to act in this way. We understand this position because there are situations in which being tolerant is equivalent to being complicit with what is considered morally inappropriate, which does not invalidate the use of tolerance and other practices of good coexistence, such as being understanding by knowing how to listen.
Knowing how to listen is a spiritual virtue that few people practice in their daily lives. There are people who only want to talk, but few who know how to listen. Hence the disagreements in the family group, in the workplace, in the social environment due to the lack of tolerance and comprehension because there is no understanding that each human being thinks according to the level of spiritual growth that he has already achieved and, therefore, it is not possible to force someone to think the same way as his interlocutor thinks.
Continuing along the line of reasoning that takes into account the level of spiritual evolution of human beings, we can say that anyone who wants to make others, in addition to their thoughts, also change their behavior if they do not like the way they see them acting in their daily lives will be wasting their time in a useless initiative, since no one changes their conduct if they are not willing to do so. In this case, if a person does not feel comfortable in a certain environment, common sense recommends that they no longer frequent it, in order to avoid any type of disagreement with other people who frequent it.
On the other hand, if a person cannot accept the different ways of thinking and acting of others in the places they usually go, believing that they are the only ones who act correctly, it is time to reflect on themselves, to look deep down for the reasons that bother them so much when interacting with others, because they will certainly find what needs to change in their personality, and the world of education on Earth has many lessons to be learned so that coexistence is respectful and harmonious and there is safe and effective spiritual evolution, the only purpose for why human beings are on this planet.
Translation by Andreas Saint-Prix