Reading of the Month – July 2023

Spirituality According to Christian Rationalism Is Not Just Theory

The spirits in evolution on Earth in possession of a human body come from the spiritual planes of dense, opaque and intermediate stages and in them are grouped by classes according to the level of evolutionary advancement they already have, forming identical spiritual families, we can symbolically say.

The spiritual families of the internship planes are very different from the countless family groups that exist in countless organized societies on this physical plane, as they bring together people of different degrees of spiritual evolution in intense and continuous coexistence, with the purpose of exchanging knowledge, going through various types of experiences and growing spiritually.

The world of schooling on Earth, by welcoming billions of human beings with different levels of spiritual evolution, resembles a college in the official education system of any country, which brings together students from various school classes, and it cannot be required of the student of the first grade the learning already possessed by the student who attends the last. Therefore, one cannot expect equal wisdom from people with different degrees of spiritual evolution in the so-called worlds of schooling by Christian Rationalism.

Therefore, the spiritual growth of human beings results from their intense coexistence in this physical world, precisely because of the mentioned exchange of knowledge and experiences provided by the different degrees of spiritual evolution that they managed to reach in multiple existences.

In these multiple evolutionary existences, circumstances arise that challenge spiritual growth, so that human beings leave the comfort zone provided by the material achievements to which they are exclusively dedicated and can reflect on the spiritual stagnation in which they find themselves, so that they can return to grow spiritually by understanding that suffering is not punishment, that fate, luck and bad luck are human inventions, that good and bad events in everyday life result from the rigorous action of evolutionary laws, highlighting the law of cause and effect in these cases.

The suffering arising from the action of evolutionary laws can be overcome with the use of spiritual attributes that everyone has. The evolutionary law of cause and effect is not punitive, but educative, because it enables the recognition of errors and their elimination from one’s personality with the calm that clear and lucid reasoning demands of people who are at fault in their search for the path that will make them resume spiritual growth. However, like students in classrooms, where some are more applied than others to what is taught by teachers, in the school of life the same thing happens, with human beings attentive and inattentive to the evolutionary spiritual process in which they find themselves.

The study of spirituality defended by Christian Rationalism facilitates everyday living, thus, it is not disciplinary rules that are only theoretical. Its knowledge and practical use are definitively added to the evolutionary baggage of the human being attentive to his own evolutionary process and used by him whenever necessary in future existences, because the practice of good is never lost.

Due to what we mentioned in this guidance, we invite you to open the door of spirituality in your lives by reading the books published by the World Headquarters of Christian Rationalism, a source of knowledge in which you learn to be tolerant, understanding and supportive with your fellow men and strengthening the will for the disinterested practice of goodness.

Be certain that it is through the vibrating of thoughts in an elevated form that one connects to the positive vibrational planes and their strengthening currents crossing the fluidic atmosphere of the Earth, the world of schooling in which everyone learns and teaches among themselves, where people are neither superior nor inferior, because they are all exactly the same, characterized only by the degree of spiritual evolution they already possess.

Translation by Andreas Saint-Prix