Reading of the Month – March 2025

Adopting the Teachings of Christian Rationalism Makes Life Easier

The teachings provided by Christian Rationalism make life easier for human beings who are willing to follow its concepts and principles and practice its discipline that strengthens the soul. This individual strengthening obtained through daily psychic cleansing also helps to promote the cleansing of the Earth’s fluidic atmosphere when done collectively at the recommended times, as its objective is the psychic balance of human beings in general, so that they can overcome their struggles for survival in their daily lives.

Christian Rationalism will always be present as long as purely materialistic desires prevail on Earth, whenever ambitious and arrogant human beings are at the head of nations seeking personal and geopolitical influence through purely material conquests, whether of territories unduly occupied, mineral wealth belonging to others, military, economic, financial or any other kind of power that they hold, without taking into account basic human needs, which causes regional disagreements and multinational wars such as those observed today, conflicts that diplomacy has great difficulty resolving through peaceful means of negotiation.

That is why it is so necessary for people to become spiritualized, because those who are spiritually enlightened have positive and elevated thoughts, express good feelings, work for the good of the community, no matter where in the world they are, setting examples of moral integrity. The human being who acts in interpersonal relationships with moderation, consideration and common sense, who makes good choices and takes correct and fair decisions, demonstrates good use of free will by following the straight path of goodness with a serene conscience resulting from well-fulfilled duties on this physical plane, since he has achieved the spiritual objectives planned in his astral plane of evolution.

Therefore, giving life a high and safe direction means working, building, producing, transforming, and, in this sense, there is no room for idleness, the unexpected, chance, or doubt. Everyone is an individualized emanation of Universal Intelligence, everyone is, therefore, an evolving spirit in possession of a human body with each experience on Earth, with spiritual attributes and faculties that, in continuous improvement, enable them to move through this world of education and learn the life lessons they receive there, with the necessary utilization to achieve a higher level of spiritual evolution.

Translation by Andreas Saint-Prix