Reading of the Month – February 2024

It’s Always Time to Learn to Be Confident

Age does not prevent people from learning something every day, as they just need to be aware of everything that happens to them and what is around them. There are many opportunities and one of them is to be regularly present at the public meetings of Christian Rationalist houses, so that they can be strengthened, enlightened and spiritualized as much as possible, because the good result of this array of real expectations depends on the degree of evolutionary development that has already been achieved and the interest they have in growing spiritually.

The spiritualist truth that Christian Rationalism defends, and is disseminated and practiced in Christian Rationalist houses worldwide, provides people who attend them with the certainty of having confidence in themselves, because they begin to reason lucidly about their existential problems and have the willpower necessary to put into practice everything that is oriented to them, including the Christian Rationalist principles that best fit the circumstances they experience.

If parents did not give their children during their childhood and youth the encouragement of self-confidence, so that, in the stages of maturity and old age, they could resolve their existential problems satisfactorily, then the great opportunity has come for these people to frequent Christian Rationalist houses, so that timidity and fear — which are typical characteristics of those who do not have confidence in themselves — be definitively eliminated from the personality, ceasing to generate problems that they previously considered insurmountable.

Therefore, it is important that people trust in their ability to overcome the challenges they face in life as it presents itself and not as they would like it to be, because they always go through family difficulties, disagreements related to professional work, social conflicts.

However, everyone has resources in the form of attributes and spiritual faculties that help in facing and overcoming the struggles of life, as long as they have confidence in themselves to put them into practice and also good thoughts, this spiritual power that, when well vibrated, allows them to come into contact with the superior planes of evolution and receive from them the strengthening fluids of the Superior Forces.

Therefore, have attendees of public meetings of Christian Rationalist houses perceive that they are in schools of high spirituality, to learn the philosophy of life of Christian Rationalism and, as we said, put into practice its principles and its soul-strengthening discipline, especially that of daily psychic cleansing, always preceded by fifteen minutes of self-reflection, which helps so much in planning the day’s activities and in resolving the setbacks that always arise during its course.

Translation by Andreas Saint-Prix