Reading of the Month – July 2021

Have Serenity and Bravery to Overcome Hatred and Fear

Spiritually enlightened people add very useful knowledge and information by living with balance and common sense. However, on Earth there are billions of human beings, each one with their own degree of spiritual evolution and their intellectual level, forming societies and cultures distinct one from the other. These particularities generate different opinions and behaviors, which, in turn, motivate nonconformity, disagreements, dissatisfaction and misunderstandings.

Therefore, it is up to good-natured people, with a well-formed character, to react to the negative feelings shown by their peers with actions full of harmony and affection, facing hatred with serenity, fear with bravery, resentment with conciliatory pardon, avoiding getting involved in the harmful vibrational currents that run through the Earth’s fluidic atmosphere and welcoming spirits detached from physical matter with the same feelings, making it difficult to solve sentimental disturbances.

In this case, it is important to counteract the negative feelings of others with elevated thoughts, connecting to positive vibrational currents. The solutions to the difficulties that people go through because of others will come in their own time, as they will conduct themselves calmly in the face of adversity.

Christian Rationalism teaches that one should not fight people, but harmful ideas and negative feelings. All are equal before the evolutionary laws, all are emanations of Universal Intelligence in continuous spiritual evolution. Therefore, they have an obligation to provide mutual help, since human beings progress together when they know how to dialogue with each other, are tolerant with each other when exchanging ideas and expressing feelings, as each one thinks and acts according to the level of spirituality that they have.

In the difficulties that affect human sensitivity, they do not dwell on the hurts that have arisen or rekindle the situation that motivated them. Do just the opposite, detaching yourself from the negative events with your head held high. Reason clearly, so that in the future you do not regret having taken decisions motivated by feelings of hatred, anger or revenge.

So, it is up to each person to face their own difficulties, because they are opportunities for spiritual improvement. To do this, strengthen yourselves with thoughts vibrated with elevation and feelings full of value.

Humberto Rodrigues

Translation by Andreas Saint-Prix