Reading of the Month – March 2023

The Road of Spiritual Evolution Is Long, but There Is No Need to Rush

The study of spirituality advocated by Christian Rationalism broadens people’s awareness of the reality of life, so that they can actually understand the situations they are going through, their origins, possible solutions and their consequences, without fear, indecision or precipitation, which always lead to failure.

The road of spiritual evolution to be traversed by human beings on Earth is long, very long, and therefore there is no need to rush the steps in this long journey, contrary to what many people who arrive at Christian Rationalist houses want by thinking that they can end the discomforts of life overnight, because that’s not how things work when the transcendent evolutionary laws to which everyone is subject are contravened.

The personality of the human being is the sum of the evolutionary baggage of past experiences accumulated in his fluidic body, the education received from his parents, the learning achieved at school and the day-to-day struggles for survival in their ongoing existence. Therefore, it is a continuous process of successes and errors of the spirit in possession of a human body when complying with, or ignoring, three evolutionary laws: that of multiple existences, that of attraction, and that of cause and effect.

Thus, human beings have very different habits, customs, tendencies, tastes, inclinations and temperaments, all acquired along their evolutionary trajectories in many, many existences on Earth. So we ask, “How can one change all these different characteristics for the better overnight?” And we answer: “It is impossible to eliminate from one moment to the next what has been accumulating from bad to worse in the fluidic body for a long time.”

In view of this, what remains to be done is to put into practice the virtue of patience. Patience is a talent for resisting and winning, says a proverb. Knowing how to wait is reasoning correctly, repressing impulses, preparing to act with common sense at the right time. It is important that people are aware of this, because what cannot be achieved today, can be achieved tomorrow, and so on.

So, do not be rushed. Make self-reflection a habit, preferably before your daily cleansing of the mind. Write down what bothers you most about your personality, such as, for example, the inappropriate attitudes you usually have when dealing with people in your family, in the work environment and in relationships in general, among many other inappropriate behaviors that are certainly in your subconscious. That done, prioritize what is most urgent to change, calmly and without haste, but always attentive to what you have programmed and carry out on a daily basis.

Therefore, we repeat: having patience in the course of life is of great importance for evolutionary growth. We know that improving this spiritual attribute is difficult for many people, especially young people, with their natural rush to discover the world they seek. But it is possible to put patience into action if everyone is persistent in what they want for the best in their lives.

Translation by Andreas Saint-Prix