Reading of the Month – May 2021

Complaining Too Much Can Lead to Depression

There are people who complain all the time about the life that they lead. They live regretting what happens to them, revealing their sad and depressed personality. By acting this way, they form a harmful astral assistance around them by attracting spirits who in physical life had this inappropriate behavior.

It is necessary for people to react to the situation of persistent sadness and loss of interest in life. Filling the soul with courage and value, facing the day to day with optimism and good humor are ways to face the continuous struggles destined for human beings on Earth on their evolutionary journey.

The struggles we are referring to are not human fighting or disagreements. They are the struggles fought by people in the relentless search for greater spiritual evolution and from which they have to win. If we say that they must be continuous, then they need determination as to the direction and scope of their objectives, as well as resistance to the purely material attractions that the world offers.

Since the Earth is a world of schooling, the condition of human beings as evolving spirits requires constant learning and improvement. The absorbed teachings are positive records of the evolutionary baggage formed in previous experiences and in the ongoing existence, while the negative records refer to the mistakes made in the hard tests to which they are submitted in everyday life in any existence.

The daily self-reflection recommended by Christian Rationalism before the irradiations of psychic cleansing, when done correctly and honestly, always reveals the positive records, to be used and improved, as well as the negative records, to be definitively eliminated from the subconscious.

Christian Rationalist houses worldwide are schools of life, where those who attend their meetings are sometimes students, sometimes teachers, because everyone has something to learn and to teach on both sides.

Public meeting attendees learn that suffering is part of life, as it results from the misuse of free will and ignorance of the evolutionary law of cause and effect, although no spirit comes to this world of schooling to suffer, but to evolve, with balance and tranquility. Therefore, setbacks, bitterness, depression and anguish are preventable.

Public meeting leaders teach that spiritual enlightenment requires an understanding of the transcendent evolutionary laws and the continuous exercise of thought as a spiritual power directed towards goodness, of feeling as an expression of sensibility full of value and of willpower as an engine of aspirations and achievements.

When thoughts waver, bad intuitions arise. The lack of understanding of what the evolutionary law of attraction is and of the importance of having elevated thoughts cause people to attract the harmful influence of spirits detached from physical matter that roam the fluidic atmosphere of the Earth and share the attractive yearnings that motivated this pernicious astral assistance.

Good astral assistance allows for greater lucidity of reasoning, increases perception and sensitivity, gives coherence in attitudes, facilitates decisions resulting from creativity put at the service of existential questions.

Thus, spiritual enlightenment is the guiding compass for people with disoriented lives. And Christian Rationalism offers the guidance they need to reach the safe haven of spiritual tranquility by suggesting rules of conduct for a conscious, balanced and harmonious life.

Humberto Rodrigues

Translation by Andreas Saint-Prix